
Showing posts from May, 2022

‘The Second Coming' W. B Yeats's Vision

The second coming is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1919 in the aftermath of the First World War, and was published in the American magazine “The Dial” in November 1920. Later on, it was included in the volume entitled ‘Michael Roberts and The Dance’ in 1921. It was written when Yeats was puzzled by violence, displaying events like the Easter rebellions of 1916, the Irish war of 1914 to 1918. And in terms of his philosophy a new age in the world’s history was going to begin. He believed that the full circle of the wheel i.e. the moon corresponds in the time to approximately 2000 years. At the beginning of each such year period a new dispensation is announced. This pattern could be seen in the history of the world from about the year 2000 BC. in that year “The Egg of Leda” is supposed to be hatched out. In Greek mythology Leda is the mother of Helen, Castor, Pollux and Clytemnestra. These were her children by her union with the great God’s Zeus who appeared to her and made lo


 Art Exhibition: Best from waste  The concepts of Sustainability and sustainable development have acquired greater importance over time, as society as a whole has become more aware of its impact on the environmental scenario. Globalization, climate change, effective and efficient management of available resources, as well as their depletion, or the aging of the population, among others, invite society to change the direction of quantitative economic growth towards a more qualitative and responsible dimension.   “Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. In the broadest term, sustainability refers to the ability to sustain resources that are irreplaceable over time. In business and policy contexts, limits to sustainability are determined by physical and natural resources, environmental degradation, and social resources. The concept often corresponds to the way the planet is running, it will