Reality in the fantasy world of Harry Potter

The Golden Trio


“ Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding it. ” 

            - Lloyd Alexander 


The world of fantasy fiction is expansive. From Alice‟s Adventures in Wonderland series written in the 19th century to epic fantasies like- The Lord of the Rings series, The Chronicles of Narnia series, and A Song of Ice and Fire series, being some of the greatest fantasy books written in the 20th century to the modern The Mortal  Instruments series, Six of Crows series, The Night Circus is the famous fantasy books written in the 21st century, fantasy fiction has made its mark in the fiction genre and also in the lives of the readers. With the competence to take its readers on a trip to a fantasy world, fantasy fiction also hits it off with readers on a deeper and emotional level. Along with teaching life lessons fantasy fiction leaves a firm imprint in the minds of the readers. Though a supposedly simple plotline most of the time from the point of view of the omniscient narrator, it often has twists that have the tendency to shock or surprise the readers. The fantasy characters are relatable and though subjected to much greater obstacles and chaos in their life are still governed by emotions and logic just as the human race in reality and fall prey to their nemesis due to their own righteous virtues or human weaknesses. The plot of fantasy fiction does have an epically satisfying conclusion. 


Analysis: Reality in the fantasy world of Harry Potter  

The fantasy magical world of Harry Potter is not very different from the real world.  Harry Potter has become a worldwide phenomenon and it is only because it appeals to  readers of all ages and is relatable to such an extent that it can count as a classic for  the current generation as well as for the upcoming generations. 

Connection between the Muggle world and Magical World 

The Muggle(real) world and the magical world of Hogwarts are not entirely disconnected. In the first few chapters, we get a glimpse of Harry‟s life in the Muggle world with his obnoxious, unkind uncle Vernon Dursley, aunt Petunia, and their son Dudley. Further along the book, we are introduced to the character of Hermione Granger who is a new student at Hogwarts but is from the Muggle world and her nonmagic parents are both dentists. When Harry has to buy his books and necessary equipment, he goes to Diagon Alley- turns out Diagon Alley is not a place in another dimension or so instead it is just behind a pub called the Leaky Cauldron which is in  London, England. Even the way to go the platform of Hogwarts Express does exist at the King‟s  Cross railway station situated in London. In the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of  Secrets, when Harry and Ron can‟t get through the magical wall between the platform 9 and 10,  they fly the magical car from the Muggle world to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Be it the ways to reach the Diagon Alley, The Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts School of  Witchcraft and Wizardry, or the Quidditch Tournament, all are accessible from the Muggle world. Though unusual, it just seems that the magical world is not something that is different from the real Muggle world, instead coexists with it but is just hidden from the eye sights of the people or rather exists in the unexplored parts of the earth. 

Deep, believable and relatable characters 

Though the series does revolve against the main protagonist Harry Potter, it does focus on the  other characters, their backstories, and their importance in isolation. Each character has their own  secrets and mysteries and none of them can be treated as completely perfect or evil. All the  characters are focused on and have their own virtues and follies. Throughout the series, the  characters grow along with the readers. Now who doesn‟t somewhat relate to the golden trio Harry, Hermione and Ron, even if they have magic to their aid, they are still fighting some of the  real problems a child faces at their age- homework, exams, nasty teachers, friendship, family,  competition, traumatic childhood, making decisions and figuring out life. As they grow into  teenagers they do have to handle love and loss of their loved ones. Most major characters have  complex personalities that is common to a human being. 

The series presents women characters as empowered and as real as they could get. Throughout  the series it is quite noticeable that without Hermione the golden trio would not survive even for  a few seconds. Mothers in the series are presented as good as well as complex characters. While  Lily Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks ultimately protect and  sacrifice themselves for the lives of their children; mothers like Petunia Dursley, Merope Riddle,  Walburga Black, Kendra Dumbledore and Bellatrix Lestrange selfishly put their lives first and  do not behave according to the conventional expectations of motherhood. Women in the series  are not just meek and submissive but intelligent, sensible, clever, caring protectors and fierce warriors. 

Law and order, the politics of the magical world 

Though Potterworld is a magical world, still it is similar to the real world. Just like the real world  the magical world is not without law or order, it has a governing body called The Ministry of  Magic which takes care of the affairs in the magical world much like the government in the real  world. The way the Ministry of Magic governs the magical world makes it an authoritarian state. 

The Ministry of Magic controls everything in the magical land and restricts anything even  slightly liberal. Even the then form of media- newspapers, were influenced by the Ministry as we  know that The Daily Prophet was influenced and controlled by the government, though there  were liberal newspaper like The Quibbler which reported the truth but these were not given  importance and were not popular. The Ministry of Magic didn‟t just stop at that, it also did try to  control the education system. Dolores Umbridge, an Undersecretary for the Ministry of Magic  and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the fifth book of the series was employed in  Hogwarts to keep an eye on Dumbledore and banned anything against the Ministry or anything  which was slightly liberal. She also introduced the syllabus which was passed by the ministry  and provided textbooks from the Ministry themselves to avoid students from referring to outside  sources or from gaining practical knowledge. She also physically and mentally abused the  students for breaking her ridiculous rules using the Black Quill. She further extended her  authoritative power by forming the “Inquisitorial Squad”- all members of the squad were  Purebloods or Slytherin. The Ministry of Magic does feel threatened by “Dumbledore‟s Army”  even though it comprises of just the students who want to learn some charms and the practical  application of spells. The Ministry of Magic does try to hide the fact that Lord Voldemort has  returned just so that there is no chaos and disturbance in the magical world and its position is  safe but for all we come to know the Ministry of Magic is extremely incapable of managing the  magical world, is no match to Lord Voldemort, has no right agendas as to how to handle the  situation and is only concerned to maintain its own power and welfare. Moreover, the Ministry  of Magic is corrupt too as many of the high ranking officials are Death Eaters and are a supporter  of Lord Voldermort and therefore prefer the dark side. The Ministry of Magic feels threatened by  the Hogwarts students and Dumbledore, hides the real truth and doesn‟t care about the actual dire  conditions of the magical world just like the corrupt and selfish government in the real world feels threatened by the power of youth and people who actually work for the betterment of the  world, hides the true statistics depicting how worse the situations are and focuses on irrelevant  issues rather than actual problems. 


It is clearly shown from the analysis above that J.K. Rowling has succeeded to blur the thin line  between fantasy and reality in the Harry Potter series. The Harry Potter series includes many  allusions to reality that demonstrates extreme results due to its fantasy genre. By means of  creating fictional fantasy stories, the author J.K. Rowling, is able to convey clearer messages of  the battle of good and evil and how moral issues are addressed in the society. Rowling‟s fantasy  world such as Hogwarts does not differ much with the real world because it contains similar  purposes and provides the same social problems. 

She uses the fantasy genre to further elaborate and criticize what is currently happening in our  society. Apparently, fantasy and reality goes hand in hand in producing a successful novel series  such as Harry Potter. It gives adults and children alike the opportunity to relate their reality in the  fantasy of Rowling. It is reality that is the major foundation of a fantasy novel as the plot and  conflicts are usually rooted from real-life events only with a touch of creativity and extreme  imagination.


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