Women's Choice, Women's Voice.

Art by: Prerna Anand (Idea- Original)

We live in the second decade of the 21st century, a century that is intuitively believed to be an Indian century shaped and guided by its accomplishment. What makes India unique in its diversity, is the mixed nature of language, religion, culture, etc. Though with development and infrastructure there is an increase in employment, living standards, and personal growth rate; where still our society or country as a whole lag behind is in the education system. Especially for the people belonging to rural areas, where there is a lack of awareness, domination of the patriarchal society, child labor, and marginalization of women. 

 It is a society which is rebellious in nature, rejects the inclination of one basic truth implemented by forerunners. Society that seems to be very well influenced by the 'Fission Chain Reaction'(a chain of reaction triggered by an initial reaction). It renounces the inherent flaws of attempting to create simple answers to complex problems. As off, gender and biology do not determine personality, aptitude, and capability. in widely varying degrees across any population, they're factors for all. It shouldn't be determined otherwise. 

In The Second Sex(1949), Simone de Beauvoir argued the woman was at a great disadvantage where they grew up under "a multiplicity of incompatible myths" about women. The "myths" proposed to them, whether in literature or history, science or psychoanalysis, encouraged them to believe that to be a woman was to be others: especially men. In Beauvoir's discussion of representatives of women "the strong woman" is the one who is uncomplaining and relentlessly hardworking:

"She selects wool and flax...
she gets up while it is still night...
her lamp does not go out at night.
she does not eat the bread of idleness".


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